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IZoo18 project

On November 27, 2018, the General Council unanimously accepted the credit request of some 5.7 million for the renovation of the Ancien-Stand and the establishment of the Natural History Museum in this building. The aim is to bring together the Zoo and the Museum – the two entities of the City’s Zoological Institutions – in a single location, to develop the site’s visitor facilities and to formalize the Zoo’s modernization within the framework of a master plan.

The arrival of a scientific hub – the Museum – and the creation of a genuine visitor center, complete with cafeteria and store, enhance the appeal of the Bois du Petit-Château site and considerably improve the tourism offering.

A multi-purpose room and an educational room allow us to develop our range of activities.

This landmark exhibition, on the theme of the biodiversity crisis, examines man’s place in what is perhaps the “sixth extinction”. It invites visitors to take action, and can be supported by temporary exhibitions in a dedicated room.

The building’s renovation will also welcome local fauna – bats and swifts – and include the installation of photovoltaic panels and rainwater recovery for the sanitary facilities.

Bringing the Zoo and Museum together means that the educational, recreational, scientific and tourist potential of the zoological institutions can be fully deployed.