Practical information
Screening location
All screenings take place in the Auditorium (follow the signs)
Access via the Replat du Dahu 1a
All screenings are free, with a collection at the end.
Between screenings, refreshments and snacks will be served.
Saturday, March 30th
Naïs au Pays des Loups - 2021 - FR - 53 min.
For over two years, a father and his one-year-old daughter embark on a wild adventure in the heart of the Mercantour, France's wildest national park.
Between a journey of initiation and an education in nature before schooling, Naïs experienced some truly magical moments until she was three years old.
She'll be able to get up close and personal with wildlife, and cross paths with the most elusive of all animals .... the wolf!
The screening will be followed by a discussion with Jean-Emmanuel Lalive of the Avenir loup lynx Jura association.
Suggested age: 6 years
Details and trailer here.

Saturday, March 30th
Sisters in combat- 2022 - BE - 70 min.
Following in Greta Thunberg's footsteps, a battle has been waged by young people over the past few months to save our planet. At the front of the processions, on the front pages of the media and on social networks, young women have become, sometimes in spité of themselves, the figureheads of this movement. Who are these women? Why are they so acclaimed and decried at the same time?
The screening will be followed by a discussion with members of the Lycée Blaise-Cendrars Climate Group.
Suggested age: 12
Details and trailer here.

Saturday, March 30th
Des arbres qui marchent - 2021 - BE - 70 min.
Based on the contributions of some thirty speakers (engineers, economists, thinkers, theologians, activists, etc.) on issues of ecological and societal collapse, this is a journey of reflection and meaning to help us move forward lucidly in a world that is tipping over. With Pablo Sevigne, Gael Géraud, Michel Maxime Egger, etc).
Suggested age: 12
Details and trailer here.

Sunday, March 31st
Giant braid!
Before diving into a day at the movies, make time for a special breakfast at the museum. Bring your homemade jams and we'll take care of the braiding!

Sunday, March 31st
La vérité du sol - FR - 2023 - 52 min.
Soil is one of mankind's greatest common denominators, the guarantor of our food supply and essential to our survival. Yet the degradation of fertile land is obvious, accelerated by the all-out artificialization that gives a market value to this vital and... under-valued, even forgotten heritage.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with farmer Christian Bähler.
Suggested age: 10 years
Details and trailer here.

Sunday, March 31st
Plastic, collective suicide? - CH - 2023 - 56 min.
Scientists around the world are warning us about the health risks of plastic. Thousands of chemicals penetrate our food. Many of them have not been tested and alter the way our bodies function. Nevertheless, this daily poison has become the petrochemical industry's new Eldorado. From the dream of a miraculous material, the situation has spiraled out of control. Is the human race sleepwalking towards a precipice... a kind of collective suicide?
The screening will be followed by a discussion with Emmanuel Maître, Director of Vadec SA.
Suggested age: 10 years
Details and trailer here.