The 16 March 2024 Woodlark excursion

Photo. Copyright Marcel Burkhardt

Practical information

Details and meeting places will be sent to registrants.

Wooded pastures and grassland birds

As part of the"Entre les herbes: les oiseaux des prairies" exhibition, come and discover thewoodlark at one of the species' sites in the canton, in the company of Marco Pilati from the Swiss Ornithological Institute.

The excursion takes place at La Vue-des-Alpes, at 8 a.m. (each excursion lasts between 3 and 5 hours).
The route will take us through the most important wooded pastures for the woodlark in the canton of Neuchâtel. Maintaining this type of habitat, where the agricultural zone overlaps with forest environments, is essential for species that require open but structured habitats. In the region, it will be possible to observe good examples of management favorable to the woodlark and other bird species.

Registration is now closed.

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