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International Dahutology Laboratory

In 1995, after several years of research, the mhnc organized an exhibition devoted to the Dahu (Dahutus montanus), accompanied by the publication of a monograph published by the publisher Editions de la Girafe (The numerous contacts made on this occasion, and the impact of the exhibition and publication, led to an avalanche of requests, proposals, testimonials and new exchanges, resulting in the creation of a substantial documentary collection. At the same time, we witnessed the birth of a truly international dahutology laboratory, with the mhnc and its internationally recognized specialists being an almost obligatory point of passage in the study of this famous animal.

Some articles about the Dahu :

– Jacquat, Marcel S.: Cahiers du MHN no 2, Le Dahu. 1995. Editions de la Girafe.
– Jacquat, Marcel S.: Le Dahu, entre mythe et réalité ou comment l’esprit critique permet d’éviter un refroidissement… in Actes des XVIIIes Journées internationales sur la communication, l’éducation et la culture scientifiques et techniques, 1996, p. 515-519.
– Jacquat, Marcel S.: De l’humour au musée… Daring is worth it! in La lettre de l’OCIM (Office de Coopération et d’Information Muséographiques), Dijon, no 54, November-December 1997, p. 28-31.
– Jacquat, Marcel S.: Petit précis de dahutologie in L’Alpe, no 8, Bestiaire. 2000, p. 20-25.
– Vincent Gaullier: Le dahu in Sciences et Avenir, hors-série (no 123), July-August 2000. p. 68-73

Interpretation of the dahu by…