The Cercle Naturaliste des Montagnes Neuchâteloises (CENAMONE) brings together people interested in the fauna (and flora) of our mountains and valleys. Founded in 1988 under the name COMONE (Cercle Ornithologique des Montagnes Neuchâteloises), it was renamed in 2018 to better reflect its expanded activities. It is made up of different groups who communicate their observations via a bulletin published three times a year, with the support of the La Chaux-de-Fonds Natural History Museum. Info-CENAMONE contains articles relating to : – Chronique ornithologique du Jura neuchâtelois – Protection des Martinets – Groupe de protection des batraciens des Grandes-Crosettes – Groupe de protection des amphibiens des étangs des Eplatures – Projet Parcs Gallet et des Crêtets – Groupe Rougequeue à front blanc – Chiroptera Neuchâtel – CCO As well as other articles and presentations on specific projects.
Cercle Naturaliste des Montagnes Neuchâteloises (CENAMONE)
To receive Info-CENAMONE or to support our activities, simply write to Cercle Naturaliste des Montagnes Neuchâteloises-CENAMONE c/o MUZOO Replat du Dahu 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds CCP 17-242978-5
You can download some of the latest bulletins. If you would like older pdf files, please write to:
Appendix to Yvan Matthey’s article. No 136.
PDF maps, appendices to Michel Blant’s article. No. 143. Until 2013; 2014 – 2018; 2019 – 2023